Traumatology-surgery of the hand
Hello, welcome!
If you've come this far, it's probably because you suffer from an injury or pathology in your hands, wrists or elbows.
On this website we explain briefly what we do and what our work philosophy is like.
My name is Jordi Palau, I have been a specialist in Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology since 2001 and since 2004 I have dedicated myself exclusively to the pathology of the hand and elbow.
In 2004 I focused all my activity and professional project on the Center of the Dt. from Barcelona together with my teammates. (to know more, see curriculum).
Our personal project is to offer a highly specialized treatment in the pathology of the hand and elbow while at the same time personalized to each patient and their personal, work situation, etc... and from a multidisciplinary point of view, that is to say, not only from the point of view of surgery but by combining the resources that physiotherapy, treatment using splints or psychological support can provide.